Frequently Asked Questions

What is the total price of the service after all fees and taxes?

The finalized cost for our services will always be $45.00 per hour. There are three factors that contribute to this price. The first factor is the service rate, which for all services is priced at $40 per hour. Secondly, there is a small service fee of 10% ($4.00/hr) which allows us to maintain the website and scheduling software. The last factor is a processing fee of 2.5% ($1.00/hr) which covers payment processing costs.

How do I pay?

A valid payment card will be required to book an appointment but will not be charged prior to the appointment. After the completion of the service, an invoice will be sent to the client’s provided email address for payment.

How do I communicate with my contractor?

After an appointment is booked, the information provided by the client in the service description will be reviewed by us. If we have any questions about the job, we will contact the client through SMS text message or email to get a better understanding of the job.

Can I rate and review my experience?

Leaving a rating and review is always optional but very much appreciated to help us improve going forward. Clients can leave a rating and review of their experience through the link located in the invoice or follow-up email.

Can I leave a tip?

Leaving a tip is also completely optional but very much appreciated. Clients can leave a tip in person or can do so on the invoice.